What is groundswell? This word seems abstract to understand. However, after went through all the examples that writer gave us, we can know that people are no longer getting information through traditional ways like magazines, newspaper, TV shows, but getting information through social media world. The phenomenon is called the groundswell, which is so dominant in today’s business world.
Yelp is an APP that shows groundswell definition well. People nowadays not to trust the ranging of restaurants in traditional newspaper or magazines. Yelp is built to let everyone who use this APP to make comments of restaurants. We can also give points of restaurants, and it will show up in the pages of restaurants on the APP. And other people will check it out and choose the restaurant that has highly recommended by other users.
There so many technologies in the groundswell. But one thing I remembered the most in chapter 2 is: “concentrate on the relationships, not the technologies.” Every day in the social media world, there will come up with new APP or website that we can use to participate. We use comments, forums, ratings, reviews to exchange information and ideas about a business, a company, or the products we use in everyday life.
This phenomenon threats the institutional power because people will not always get the information or message that companies wanted to deliver to people. The best solution to this problem should be that companies’ patriciate in the groundswell too. Apply for their social media on Facebook, Ins and any other website and interact with people in the social media world to deliver the message.
However, I came up a question that if we don’t trust the companies’ official “speaking” about themselves, will the social media change our mind? For example, in this chapter, the writer told that one tip that companies can improve the threatens from social media is to be part of it. He gave us an example of GM’s operator blogged on social media to introduce the new product and how positive influence he brought to the company. But if I don’t trust the official announcement of the company, why would believe the operator of the company in social media? Sometimes we need to think about businesses participate in social media is a good thing or not?
Even though we say, “concentrate on the relationships, not the technologies.”, we still need to know some technographics that help companies to target the customers.
The most interesting point is the social technographics which divided the internet users into various parts. The creators, I believe, is one of the most crucial elements of companies in social media. I love to watch YouTube videos, especially for cosmetics. The videos always combined with two parts. The first part goes to sponsor part that the YouTuber advertising for the sponsored products and the other parts is initially part that YouTubers talked about her favorite products in everyday life. I have noticed a brand call Daniel Wellington, a fashion brand for watches. Most of the Youtubers I subscribe had sponsored videos for DW. They usually will show the latest products in the videos and give a coupon code to let the audience to use. I have to say that DW has made an excellent connection to creators. And creators bring influence to their audience.
DW Website:https://www.danielwellington.com/us/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAnuDTBRDUARIsAL41eDrcp3tN8fheAjuAxBpmiFTT1tWmGsphPYAd77EP40Ykm2ebkcVmXvsaAqzcEALw_wcB
In chapter four, the writer mentioned the power of the groundswell or the customers. Why interact with customers is essential and what we can get from customers to improve the companies service and product. We can use POST (People, Objectives, Strategy, Technology) to build your own groundswell for companies. This is a pretty good model for companies like the company the writer mentioned at the beginning of the chapter. The company wants to build groundswell but has no ideas about how to do it.
Yelp is an APP that shows groundswell definition well. People nowadays not to trust the ranging of restaurants in traditional newspaper or magazines. Yelp is built to let everyone who use this APP to make comments of restaurants. We can also give points of restaurants, and it will show up in the pages of restaurants on the APP. And other people will check it out and choose the restaurant that has highly recommended by other users.
There so many technologies in the groundswell. But one thing I remembered the most in chapter 2 is: “concentrate on the relationships, not the technologies.” Every day in the social media world, there will come up with new APP or website that we can use to participate. We use comments, forums, ratings, reviews to exchange information and ideas about a business, a company, or the products we use in everyday life.
This phenomenon threats the institutional power because people will not always get the information or message that companies wanted to deliver to people. The best solution to this problem should be that companies’ patriciate in the groundswell too. Apply for their social media on Facebook, Ins and any other website and interact with people in the social media world to deliver the message.
However, I came up a question that if we don’t trust the companies’ official “speaking” about themselves, will the social media change our mind? For example, in this chapter, the writer told that one tip that companies can improve the threatens from social media is to be part of it. He gave us an example of GM’s operator blogged on social media to introduce the new product and how positive influence he brought to the company. But if I don’t trust the official announcement of the company, why would believe the operator of the company in social media? Sometimes we need to think about businesses participate in social media is a good thing or not?
Even though we say, “concentrate on the relationships, not the technologies.”, we still need to know some technographics that help companies to target the customers.
The most interesting point is the social technographics which divided the internet users into various parts. The creators, I believe, is one of the most crucial elements of companies in social media. I love to watch YouTube videos, especially for cosmetics. The videos always combined with two parts. The first part goes to sponsor part that the YouTuber advertising for the sponsored products and the other parts is initially part that YouTubers talked about her favorite products in everyday life. I have noticed a brand call Daniel Wellington, a fashion brand for watches. Most of the Youtubers I subscribe had sponsored videos for DW. They usually will show the latest products in the videos and give a coupon code to let the audience to use. I have to say that DW has made an excellent connection to creators. And creators bring influence to their audience.
DW Website:https://www.danielwellington.com/us/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAnuDTBRDUARIsAL41eDrcp3tN8fheAjuAxBpmiFTT1tWmGsphPYAd77EP40Ykm2ebkcVmXvsaAqzcEALw_wcB
In chapter four, the writer mentioned the power of the groundswell or the customers. Why interact with customers is essential and what we can get from customers to improve the companies service and product. We can use POST (People, Objectives, Strategy, Technology) to build your own groundswell for companies. This is a pretty good model for companies like the company the writer mentioned at the beginning of the chapter. The company wants to build groundswell but has no ideas about how to do it.
so yelp here is kind of like rss or something that could classify out what is going to recommend right?
ReplyDeleteYes. And comments on Yelp is truly from people who went to the restaurant. You know some of the similar APP have sponsorship with restaurants and will recommend those who paid to promote.
DeleteTechnology is really important, and it can also benefit the users of the social media. I also like Rainie, she's so cute!
ReplyDeleteYes! What I like Rainie most is that she always full of energy and passion.